Let Me Introduce to You ... Kathie Holmes

Hello everyone :)

Its Sunday, and day 4 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge.

Today I want to introduce to you a wonderful person who's made a big difference to my life and business. She's taught me about navigating the ways of business, networking, finance, how to balance, hop and juggle, and so much more. 

This incredible person is my friend and business mentor, Kathie Holmes of the Creative Ability Network.

The logo I designed for Kathie
Kathie has amazing insight to people's skills, and while the name suggests the skills are about creativity, they're not. Its about nurturing your own abilities and creating a business that you love. My abilities just happen to be creative... and producing and teaching art, craft and design is what I love most!

With the fantastic amount of support from my Mum, Dad, son and Kathie plus all of my wonderful friends, I am working and creating at the same time :) Its just totally awesome... Thank you to all of you! 

Kathie has a variety of clients under her wings and has given us all places to chat, laugh and network, as well as an easy to follow online course for starting and maintaining a business. She is a multi skilled and talented person who gives so much of her time and energies to all others. 

How many other mentors and teachers have you met who give so much of their time for so little? And at all hours of the day too!

So visit Kathie's website, the Creative Ability Network. and see for yourself what Kathie can do for you!

Happy Creative Sunday!
