The First of Many Create-a-Canvas Workshops

This Saturday, 20th September 2014, is the very first one of my new Create-a-Canvas Workshops!
I'm a bit excited and totally unprepared... lucky its only Wednesday :D I have supplies and space organised, I just need to make a sample canvas, write an instruction sheet and get someone to book in - only room for 2 this week.

If nobody books in, this workshop will still go ahead with the three of us - Me, Myself and I :)

Feel free to pop in if you're in the area. I'll put on George (my coffee machine) so we can have coffee while you laugh at my attempts at a huge canvas. I'm always happy to receive feedback and might need a guinea pig to practice my fantastic teaching skills (aka sharing info and products while chatting and laughing).

Check this link for details or simply give me a buzz (0428 898 120) -

Here's some inspiration to get the mojo flowing.

This beautiful butterfly artwork was made using a Gelli Arts printing plate. Its amazing how this type of artwork changes with each layer of paint.

I often use stencils, textured elements (string, sequence leftovers, bubblewrap) and punched out shapes (the butterflies) along with cardboard rolls, ends of paintbrushes, silicon cooking brushes (usually for roasting) and anything else I find.

I should point out that my workshops are in South Australia... just in case you got excited and live elsewhere!

Thanks for reading my blog, I do appreciate it!

Have a Happy Creative Day!!!
